Sunday, November 1, 2020

I'm Still Here!

 Hello, Everybody!

    I've been pretty busy since the last time I signed in but I wanted to pop on here and drop a line anyway to kinda touch base. I've been trying to start creating some video content to get my YouTube channel up and running in the brief periods of time I have to myself so that's been a whole bunch of fun. By fun, I really mean it's been a whole bunch of trial and error...mostly error if we're gonna be real about it but, hey, what can ya do, am I right? 

    Halloween was yesterday. It was very very different going out Trick-Or-Treating. It was already super different than it was when I was a kid before the pandemic, add Coronavirus to the mix and I'm amazed these kids out here aren't rioting in the streets with everything they've had to go thru since Covid19 surfaced. I propose we get together when this is all over and reward them all somehow for how well they've all done. 

    Well, this is short and sweet. I mostly wanted to make sure you all didn't think I'd forgotten about this here blog of mine. I'm signing off. 'Til next time, this is Rembenso, the Fourth Gen Belmontian, signing off. Have a great week!

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