Saturday, October 17, 2020

Foiled By The FairKid! Gotta Love her!

Hello, and Welcome to my very first ever blog post ever!

    My name is Rembenso™ and I'll be your host this afternoon. Hope this afternoon finds you well and in good spirits as I generally have absolutely no idea what I am doin or who my audience is going to be or really anything practical relating to the blogging world at all, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time out of your busy day to read my rambling and I will do my very best to provide you all with at least some entertainment anyway, regardless of my inexperience in this area.

    I woke up today with no idea I'd take the first steps to put my ideas of self-employment in motion. Admittedly, that was less than 15 minutes ago and I hardly have my first cup of coffee started, so I'm sure I'll look back over this post in the future and wonder what on earth I was thinking. To the Rembenso™ of the future: Hello, you. Look at you, all successful and stuff! See, all that stress and insecurity was silly, wasn't it? I'm sure by now you have a decent following and you're confident when you write things, huh? I wonder if you've found a way to convey your messages that don't have the feel of a note passed in 9th grade algebra? By now I know you've made your first yarn crafted item sale, or you've found an even better direction to take to realize your dreams of working for yourself. You've also figured out how to read patterns and made some of your own that improve the quality of your pieces without taking from the functionality...I know this because I know you...or at least I know the part of you that was at one point in time all of me, and there is no way, regardless of how long from right now it is you're trying to get reacquainted with your roots, you have experienced anything heavy enough to change you so much that I'm not in there somewhere. I'm sure you've already found a way to work around your anxiety issues and insecurities, or maybe you've found a way to embrace those things as a part of you and work them to your advantage. Either way, I know you aren't letting them stop you anymore...and I know that because I stopped letting them stop me about ten minutes ago and we were never one to make this much progress just to turn right back around. Remember freezing at the bus stop in high school because the end of the sidewalk in front of Grandma's house was too far to turn back for a coat? Yeah, that is still a core part of me, so I'm sure it's still a core part of you as well. Hold, please, The FairKid™ has entered stage right so I must pause...

    Alright, Beloved Audience and Future Rembenso™, I have returned. The FairKid™ and Moo™ have returned to The FairKid's Lair™ with their Sketty-Meebos™, and I have retrieved a second cup of coffee and had an impromptu foray into the wonderful world of Symbols so I am all the way gonna have to pause again out of nowhere. Thank you all for your patience with me, I am a cronic oversharer and I'm working on that so I'll not do that right now and just be back soon!and im fairkid and moo!